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Case Studies

Today's Class

Today's Class is an online daily training platform for the automotive industry, offering short, 5-minute sessions that fit easily into busy schedules. It allows shops to train their entire team, and with adaptive learning, the training can be customized to meet the specific needs and skill levels of each technician and service advisor.


Today's Class faced several challenges with the transition to their new website and the adoption of HubSpot functionalities:
  • Reaching the target market and clearly articulating our value proposition.
  • Moving prospects through the funnel in an efficient manner, including qualification, nurturing, conversion, and standardizing the closing process.
  • Tracking user engagement effectively.

Strategies & Solutions

MDM expertly guided Today's Class through the entire migration from their long-standing Squarespace site to a new, fully functional HubSpot platform. This transition significantly enhanced their digital presence and opened up numerous opportunities for growth and efficiency. Leveraging HubSpot's advanced functionalities was a substantial leap from their previous, relatively basic website. A key aspect of this transformation was the implementation of automated workflows, which MDM meticulously designed to capture and translate the business requirements of Today's Class into efficient, automated processes.

Additionally, MDM provided extensive training and support, enabling the entire team to become proficient in using HubSpot's tools, forms, reporting, and more. This hands-on approach ensured that everyone at Today's Class was comfortable leveraging the new platform's capabilities to their fullest extent. The result was not just a visually appealing and user-friendly website, but also a powerful tool that enhanced their ability to engage with their audience, streamline operations, and drive conversions.


"MDM guided our entire migration from a Squarespace site we'd had for years to an entirely new HubSpot site.  This transition opened up a lot of doors for us and MDM's expertise was invaluable.  Our previous website was relatively basic, so it was a significant jump for us to leverage all of the functionality available with HubSpot.  A key piece to this was (and continues to be) the automated workflows which MDM facilitates.  They do an incredible job of capturing our business requirements and translating them into functioning, automated workflows.

MDM also provided us with a considerable amount of training and support, enabling our entire team to be comfortable leveraging HubSpot tools, forms, reporting, and more.  We're thrilled with the overall look and feel of the website and the progress we've made."

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1105 Industrial Blvd., Southampton PA
