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Search Engine Optimization

Unlock the power of SEO



Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving search engine rankings to drive free or organic traffic. While there are many factors that contribute to where your content lies on search engines, the main goal is to provide the most relevant content for a user’s query. The higher your content is on search engines, like Google and Bing, the more likely your audience will be able to find you online. A well-executed SEO strategy will help your website to be found by the right people, at the right time.


On the first page alone, the first five organic results account for 68% of all clicks


Google receives 8.5 billion searches a day


72% of consumers who did a local search visited a store within five miles

SEO Ranking Factors

Search engines help to organize all online information and make it readily accessible to the world. Google’s search bots, or spiders, start by crawling your site’s pages then adds optimized and crawlable pages to their index and catalogs them. As people search the web with specific keywords and phrases, Google then shows them the best results. Sites are ranked based on hundreds of factors such as:


Security & Accessibility

high quality content

High Quality Content

mobile-friendly website

Mobile-Friendly Website

solid user experience

Solid User Experience

page speed

Page Speed

on-page optimization

On-Page Optimization



page authority

Page Authority

Types of SEO

When it comes to optimizing your website for search engines, there are three different approaches that contribute to a well-rounded organic search strategy.

On-Page SEO


Focuses on optimizing elements of your website such as meta tags, keywords, images & more to improve visibility in search engine rankings.

Off-Page SEO


Cultivates authority through efforts outside of your website by utilizing techniques like link building, social media, guest blogging and more.

Technical SEO


Optimizes the technical aspects of your website to improve its performance in search engines and its overall user experience.



Attract Quality Traffic

Rank higher on search engine results pages so you can attract high-quality organic traffic that is more likely to covert into customers.


Gain Competitive Advantage

Edge out the competition by using SEO strategies to appear in top search results


Better Conversion Rates

Optimize your site’s structure and content to create a better user experience and drive more conversions.

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Partner with Modern Driven Media

Let's get to know your business

To achieve consistent and scalable growth, there isn't a simple "fix" or a single solution to solve your business challenges. Instead, success is comprised of an integrated solution where marketing, sales and customer success are all working in harmony. As your growth partner, and a search engine optimization agency, we help you put all of the pieces together to achieve your goals — as if they were our own.

Let's Partner


1105 Industrial Blvd., Southampton PA
